Sl. No. Name Designation Address
01 The Rt. Revd. Dr. Paul Swarup Chairman
Bishop, Diocese of Delhi CNI
02 Mr. Y. Paul Bishop’s Nominee
03 Mrs. Anupma Singh Principal’s Nominee
04 Mr. Charles Ibrahim D.E.’s Nominee
05 Dr. Santosh Kumar D.E.’s Nominee

06 Revd. Dr.Suresh Kumar D.D.T.A. Nominee
07 Revd. Dennis Lall Finance Committee Nominee
08 Mrs. Monica Massey Executive Committee Nominee
09 Revd. Vimlesh Khana Presbyter-In-Charge, St. Michael’s Church
10 Mr. Firoz Khan St. Michael’s Church Representative
11 Mr. Sudhanshu Parent Representative
12 Mr. Sarita Gupta Staff Representative
12 Mrs. Meenakshi Saxena Staff Representative
13 Dr. Ritu P Solomon Manager
14 Mrs. Doris James Principal St. Paul’s Diocesan School Jangpua New Delhi - 110014
Name of the School with Address:
St Paul's Diocesan School
Hospital Road, Jangpura, New Delhi-110014
Ph No.- +91-11-40115749
Year of Establishment of School
Whether NOC from State/UT or recommendation of Embassy of India obtained ?
Yes (Director of Education )
NOC No.- FDE-50/S-24/DS/UPG/97/696
NOC issuing date- 09-05-1997
Is the School is Recognized, if yes by which authority
Yes, Directorate of Edu. Delhi
Status of Affiliation- Provisional

Affiliation No.- 2730265
Affiliation with the Board since- 1997

Name of Trust/Society/Company Registered under section 25 of the Company Act, 1956. Period upto which Registration of Trust/Society is valid
Delhi Diocesan Trust Association
Name and official address of the manager

Ms. Ritu Solomon
Principal Queen Mary’ School
Tees Hazzari Delhi – 110054
Ph No.- 9999266338

Area of School Campus
In Acres - 1.27234561 acres
In Sq. Mtrs. - 5149 sq meters
Built up area (sq. mtr.) - 1980.26 sq meter
Area of Playground in sq. mtrs - 3169 sq meter
Mode of Payment of Salary

Name of bank through which salary is drawing - Bank of Baroda
Through single cheque transfer advice - Yes

Library Facilities

Size of the library in sq meter- 64.328 sq meter
No. of Dailies - 4
No. of reference books class-wise - 250
No. of Magazine - 13

Academic session period

From 1st April to 31st March
Vacation period - From 17th May to 30th June
Admission period - from 15th Mar to 31st July

2024- 25
Tution Fee(Monthly) 4620.00 4455.00 4620.00 4785.00 4650.00
Development(Yearly) 7260.00 6600.00 6600.00 6600.00 6600.00
Annual Charges 6050.00 6050.00 5500.00 5500.00 5500.00
Sn. Name of Employee Designation D.O.B Date of Appt. Trained/
1. Mrs. Doris James Principal 21.07.1958 12.05.2009 Trained Confirmed Permanent
2. Mr.. P.N.Biswas T.G.T. (S.Sc.) 25.09.1961 01.07.2012 Trained Confirmed Permanent
3. Mrs. Sunita Khan T.G.T(Hindi) 24.10.1960 09.07.1984 Trained Confirmed Permanent
4. Mrs. Sunila Francis T.G.T(Art) 27.12.1960 08.10.1990 Trained Confirmed Permanent
5. Mrs. Meenakshi Saxena T.G.T(Maths) 24.08.1967 03.01.1994 Trained Confirmed Permanent
6. Mrs. Alka Mahajan P.T.I.(Phy. Edu) 25.01.1967 05.09.1991 Trained Confirmed Permanent
7. Mrs. Mamta Kataria Librarian 05.09.1975 04.01.2000 Trained Confirmed Permanent
8. Mrs. Renu Massy A.T. 15.07.1961 27.08.1987 Trained Confirmed Permanent
9. Mrs.Roseline Nur.T 27.06.1965 01.08.1989 Trained Confirmed Permanent
10. Mrs. Sarita Gupta T.G.T.(Eng) 01.05.1965 01.05.1995 Trained Confirmed Permanent
11. Mrs. Neelam Gupta T.G.T.(Sci) 17.02.1973 01.11.1996 Trained Confirmed Permanent
12. Mrs. Smita Felix A.T. 05.05.1969 01.11.1996 Trained Confirmed Permanent
13. Mrs. Neelam Abraham T.G.T.(S.Sc.) 25.04.1973 08.09.1997 Trained Confirmed Permanent
14. Mrs. Sushmita Massey A.T 06.02.1981 01.04.2009 Trained Confirmed Permanent
15. Ms. Queenie P. James Nur.T 08.01.1964 01.10.1987 Trained Probation Permanent
16. Ms. Anita Dolly Asstt Teacher 05.07.1962 01.10/1987 Trained Probation Permanent
17. Mr. Sanjay Gupta Accountant 25.08.1972 14.02.2011 Trained Confirmed Permanent
18. Ms. Divya Chauhan Office Clerk 17.04.1993 19.08.2014 Untrained Probation Adhoc
19. Ms. Abhilasha Tripathi AT 17.05.1979 10.04.2017 Trained Probation Adhoc
19. Ms. Harini Chintanpudi AT 19.05.1979 13.04.2020 Trained Probation Adhoc
19. Ms. Purnima Special Educator 02.08.1997 01.04.2020 Trained Probation Adhoc